First Semester 2025 (8 Weeks)

Course Outline:


President & Facilitator


Guest Facilitator

Are you called to a specific area of ministry? Are you hungry and dissatisfied with the status quo? Do you want to press in deeper into the revelation of the kingdom of God?

You are a step ahead to your Next level…

Our Courses

  • Course

Mission Statement

Activating gifting, resourcing callings and cultivating reforms for maximized kingdom living.

Our Mantra: Schooling, Tooling, Ruling.


P.A.S.S is a kingdom initiative aimed at facilitating spiritual development and reforms in the body of Christ, by equipping and empowering the saints through present truth apostolic kingdom revelation. Spiritual Builders must be built up!

God’s purpose is to establish on earth a church that perfectly mirrors His architectural design in Heaven. Our current world is saturated with information, yet tragically, we lack transformation. What has brought us this far, is no longer sufficient to propel us forward.

We are committed to pursuing the heart of God and being at the forefront of the progressive purposes of God in the earth realm. The saints must become builders of spiritual realms in their individual capacity and within their respective circles of influence.

With extensive and robust experience in kingdom ministry, these courses are meticulously crafted to leave a profound impact on the lives of students in every aspect of their lives, including business, family, government, and interpersonal relationships. Attendees will gain transformative insights that would enhance their journey in the kingdom.

Governmental Authority & Kingdom Protocol

There has been so much buzz on the subject of Spiritual Authority and Kingdom Protocol in the body of Christ, yet the outcomes has not been proportional to the emphasis. What is missing? In this course, we shall delve deeper looking into:

  1. The Principle of Authority
  2. Levels of Authority
  3. The Believer’s Metron (measure) of Authority within a Constituted body
  4. Conflict of Authority

The Transition From Orphan Culture to Sonship

What are the effects, defects and ramification of the fall of the first man (Adam)? We will examine the root cause of man’s unending struggle and behavioral issues since the fall (the Orphan culture) and draw parallels with the alternative life provided through the finished works of the Christ (a culture of Sonship). This course takes this subject to an unprecedented level yet presented in simplicity.

The Science of Prophecy

The most misunderstood and misconstrued subject in the body of Christ today is centered around the prophetic ministry. This has caused major setbacks and untold misery in the body of Christ. Controversial as it may be, the Spirit of the Lord has never ceased giving us clarity.

In this new season, as we advance the kingdom of God to new frontiers confronting dark kingdom systems it is not unusual to see growing falsehood and counterfeits of what the prophetic ministry truly is. The enemy’s goal has always been to annex, defile and undermine the channels of God’s expression in the earth realm.

In this course we will attempt to do the following:

  • Redress the imbalances and excesses of the prophetic ministry
  • Unravel deeper truths and principles on Discernment, Dream Interpretation & Visions
  • This class will also expose to the Student the practical science of the prophetic and strategies aimed to activate the Student to function accurately.

Victorious Spiritual Warfare

This course aims to educate students on the strategies and tactics employed by the powers of darkness. It combines scriptures and practical experiences unprecedented to provide valuable insights on how to effectively combat the enemy. 

The goal is to equip students with both biblical truth and practical skills to become powerful soldiers against darkness, guided by the Holy Spirit. The ultimate objective is to expose the hidden secrets of darkness and weaken the destructive agenda of the enemy against individuals, societies, and governments.

Worship in an Apostolic/Prophetic Community

Understanding the role of worship in the prophetic ministry and cultivating a worship culture.

Understanding the Restorational Moves of God

A deep look into church history, seasons and pioneers of the reformation of the Church, their relevance and our current position.

Types of Prophets

Understanding the diverse types of prophets within the biblical framework is essential for anyone seeking to identify their calling and purpose in God’s kingdom. 

Each type of Prophet carries unique characteristics, functions, and roles that contribute to the overall mission of the Church. Here, we will explore seven types of prophets, drawing insights from Scripture to illustrate their significance and how they can inform your own spiritual journey.

Types of Apostles

Knowing the different types of apostles helps clarify the specific purpose and mission God has for each person.

This clarity fosters a sense of direction and confidence in pursuing one’s calling. Discerning where their gifts and passions align, the student can contribute meaningfully to the Church’s mission and fulfill their God-given destiny in advancing God’s Kingdom on earth.

Understanding The Spirit of Tradition

Within the Christian Church, tradition encompasses the inherited body of beliefs, practices, and teachings passed down through generations. 

However, these traditions have sometimes hindered the growth of the kingdom, unnecessarily burdening individuals and diverting focus from a genuine relationship with God. This has resulted in a decline in spiritual vitality. This class empowers the student to live authentically, fulfilling their unique callings in service to God, unburdened by restrictive traditions.

Understanding The Spirit of Religion

One of the most powerful weapons the enemy wields against the advancement of God’s kingdom is the spirit of religiosity.

We will seek to uncover the connection between the spirit of religion and the spirit of rebellion, as well as highlight how this spirit operates within the church, often unnoticed by believers.

Church versus Kingdom

The church has significantly changed since the days of the early Apostles, while change in itself is part of God’s progressive pattern most of what has been built are deficient of Christ’s architecture.

In this course, the student will learn how institutionalized and ritual-focused worship has distorted the original intent of Christ’s life-changing movement which begun in Jerusalem (AD 30-33) and how we can take back what has been lost.

Authority, Accountability & Apostolic Culture

For an authentic apostolic kingdom culture to be built, it is imperative that new wine skins be developed, and accountability and authority are indispensable.

We must see in the Church what we read in the Scriptures! Through this course, a renewed sense of obedience in the student’s walk with God will be built.

Fundamentals of Ministry

Every Believer has a calling! There are those who feel rusty in the pews due to a lack of engagement with their gifts and callings and there are those who have launched out but with limited progress.

This course is designed to help the student discover and fulfill his or her calling. From knowing the different phases of a call to knowing the specifics in order to avoid the complexities and fogs that comes out of ignorance this course will help those already in ministry and those who are yet to launch out. Assignments without alignment is recipe for disaster!

1st Semester 2025 (8 Weeks)

  • April 12 & 26 || 1pm – 3pm CST
  • May 10 & 24 || 1pm – 3pm CST
  • June 14 & 28 || 1pm – 3pm CST
  • July 12 & 26 || 1pm – 3pm CST

Classes will be held both online and in-person simultaneously. Individuals residing in the region who are interested in attending in-person sessions are kindly requested to notify our office in advance.

Who May Attend PASS?

These classes are biblically advanced and may not be very beneficial for a person who is merely inquisitive or a novice in the faith. To gain an optimal benefit from PASS, a student must have established:

  • A personal relationship with God
  • Be spirit filled, and have a passionate hunger to delve deeper into the revelation of the kingdom of God.
  • They should already have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of the Christian faith, including new creation realities.

We also highly recommend that church leaders make recommendations for their members in leadership to participate in this school. This will not only benefit the individual student, but also help bolster growth and order in their local churches.

Meet Apostle Eric Warren (Guest Teacher @PASS)

Founder of the Equippers City Church ministries and Eric L. Warren Ministries. His ministries are committed to develop and release men and women of spiritual maturity so that they will represent Christ in the earth. Apostle Warren holds degrees in Sociology, Philosophy, and Theology. Called and commissioned as a Pastor, Teacher, and Apostle, Apostle Warren is appreciated for his sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and keen insight into the Word of God. Having served in ministry for five decades, he has been graced by God with a father’s heart and the ability to train and develop leaders for effective and excellent service in the Body of Christ. His leadership development class called Body Builders has produced many competent leaders who currently serve the body of Christ and the marketplace with excellence and integrity. He is the author of four books, including “Character, The Path that God Walks”, and “Ten Times Better” which have received excellent reviews. Apostle Warren has been married to his wife Carolyn for over 50 years and they have three adult daughters, four grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. They recently relocated to Sarasota Florida.

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